Wolf: Tundra Speaks

Come for a walk with Tundra to learn about wolves and First Nation people to become better stewards of our changing environment.

Tundra is a very high content wolfdog (90% wolf). Tundra has engaged audiences for the past 12 years. She has interacted with more than 35,000 students, teachers, and adults from the 200+ schools we have attended. All are in awe of how beautiful and important wolves are. The Tundra Speaks Society is an incorporated non-profit society formed to inform the public on the very important role the wolf plays as the Keeper of the Balance, in maintaining healthy ecosystems.

Cost $Can 200 per family/group NOT per person.
Guides: Gary Allan (degrees in anthropology and environmental law), Randolph Fred Tseshaht First Nation elder and author.
More information: https://tundraspeaks.com/

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